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Alt DB Press

Incline Alt Chest Pr

Indv Band Chest Press

Incline DB Fly

Incline Bench Press

Incline DB Press

Incline Hammer Grip Press

Bench Press

DB Chest Press

Dumbbell Fly

Band Push Ups

Band Chest Press

Seated Cable Fly

Push Up

Lower Cable Fly

Upper Cable Fly

Indv Band Lat Pulldown

Band Lat Pulldown Opt 1

Low Cable Row Tri Handle

Indv Low Cbl Row

Snatch Grip Shrug

Barbell Shrug

Band Lat Pulldown Opt 2

Chin Up

Deadlifts Conventional

Bent Over DB Row

Bent Over Band Row

Bent Over DB Rvs Fly

Barbell Row

Barbell Row Supinated

Standing Band Row Opt 2

Band Lat Pulldown

Band Assisted Pull Ups

Standing Band Row Opt 1

Seated Cable Row Tri Handle

Pull Up

Prone DB Fly

Seated Cable Row Supinated EZ

Indv DB Row

Indv Band Row

Landmine Row

Indv Bent Over Band Row

Indv Cbl Rear Delt Fly

Indv Cbl Upright Row

Indv KB Shldr Press

Standing KB Shldr Press

Plate Lateral Raise

DB Upright Row

Rope Face Pull

Barbell Front Raise

Alt DB Shoulder Press

Landmine Shoulder Press

Overhead Press

Indv Band Rear Delt Fly

DB Shoulder Press

EZ Upright Row

DB Front Raises Standing

Cable Rear Delt Fly Upper

Band Upright Row

Bent Over Rear Delt Fly

Band Pull Apart

Band Indv Upright Row

Arnold Press

Alt Standing Front Raises

Upright Cross Cable Row

Upright Cable Row EZ

Upper Cable Fly

Standing Lateral Raise

Standing DB Shoulder Press

Seated Rear Delt Fly

Seated Lateral Raises

Rear Delt Cable Fly Low

Seated Alt Front Raises

Prone Rear Delt Fly

Seated DB Front Raise

DB Lateral Lunge

Barbell Hip Thruster

Band Calf Raises Opt 2

Band RDL

Band Calf Raises Opt 1

Sumo RDL


Sumo Deadlift

Standing Hip Thrust with Band

Single Leg DL KB

Exercise Ball Leg Curls

Single Leg DL DB



Body Weight Squat

Body Weight Box Squat

Barebll Rvs Lunge

Box Squat

Cable Hip Thruster

OH Rope Cbl Ext

Rvs Grip Cbl Tri Ext

Bench Preacher Curls Hammer

Bench Preacher Curl

Rope Cbl Ext

Swiss Bar Hammer Curl

Band Assisted Dips

Band Hammer Curls

Alt Plate Curls

Standing Hammer Curls

Standing Alt Curls

Seated Hammer Curls

Seated Alt Curls

Prone DB Curls

Overhead Plate Ext

Plate Curls

Incline DB Curls

Indiv Band Tri Ext

EZ Skull Crusher

DB Skull Crushers

EZ Bar Curl

EZ Rvs Grip Curls


Cable Tricep Extension

Cable EZ Curls

Band Tri Ext

Bench Dips

Band Overhead Tri Ext

Cable Chop

Cable Twist

Hanging Oblq Crunch 1

Bicycle Crunch

Band Oblq Chop

Band Oblique Chop 2

Russian Twists DB

Russian Twist KB

Reverse Crunch

Landmine Twists

Mountain Climbers

Low Leg Raise

Incline Mountain Climber

Hanging Leg Raises

Hanging Knee Ups

Exercise Ball Rvs Crunch

Exercise ball Mountain Climber

Dead Bug

Crossbody Mountain Climbers

Bird Dog
Abs & Core
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